理论研究 /
05 新发展阶段:翻译及翻译学科的理念变革 傅勇林 胡云 许怡文
18 翻译研究的语言学途径:从比较语言学到多模态话语分析 潘韩婷
29 翻译社会学的学科间性:主题、范式、话语 徐敏慧
译史纵横 /
39 五四运动前后场域博弈中《共产党宣言》首译本的诞生
谭思蓉 苏艳
译介研究 /
47 新世纪以来中国当代小说在阿语国家的译介研究 高彬
56 “五个在场”模式下彝族史诗翻译研究
——以《勒俄特依》跨国合作英译为例 焦鹏帅
翻译教学 /
64 以作业为核心的笔译教学模式探析 龚锐
73 口译职业伦理教学初探 钱芳 仲伟合
书刊评介 /
80 探索译学方法论研究的新领域与新方法
——《译学方法论研究》介评 冯丽霞
学术访谈 /
86 翻译学在西方的诞生及展望
——朗贝尔教授访谈录 马会娟 雷炳浩
译家研究 /
93 译苑宏略,朱墨留印:王宏印翻译教学思想的话语阐释 王治国
99 译者的选择与创造
——雷爱玲的中国古典文学西译之路 陈婷婷 谭贞容
学术视点 /
107 新时代服务国家战略需求的中国翻译研究:趋势与重点 张威
115 作为翻译通论新议题的翻译适应:问题的提出 杨仕章
翻译评论 /
123 哲学典籍翻译中“整体性方法”的运用
——以林理璋的《易经》英译为例 谭晓丽
133 从古典发现后现代
——论闵福德《聊斋志异》英译本的旨趣 付强
学术争鸣 /
143 “不可抗力”与force majeure是对等翻译吗
——兼谈法律翻译事实性与有效性的统一 万立
实践探索 /
150 绘画语言在文学翻译中的创用探析 张保红
158 党政文献翻译中名词化翻译转移策略研究 唐革亮 曲英梅
166 剧场手语传译:以百老汇音乐剧《长靴皇后》为例 肖晓燕 罗然薰
自学之友 /
172 The Great Question(Excerpt)(John Lubbock) 曹明伦 译
175 论译者的学者意识 曹明伦
180 北京冬奥会希望之火映红天际(王恒志) 蔡力坚 译
181 翻译中文学修辞手段的处理 蔡力坚
词语选译 /
夹页 《中国的民主》白皮书重要语汇汉英对照
187 英文摘要 /
信息广角 /
190 2022年中国翻译协会培训计划
191 第三十四届韩素音国际翻译大赛竞赛规则
傅勇林 胡云 许怡文 西南交通大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0005 - 13
潘韩婷 北京师范大学珠海校区
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0018 - 11
徐敏慧 澳门大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0029 - 10
谭思蓉 苏艳 华中师范大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0039 - 08
高彬 江苏科技大学/同济大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0047 - 09
焦鹏帅 西南民族大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0056 - 08
龚锐 上海外国语大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0064 - 09
钱芳 广东外语外贸大学 | 仲伟合 澳门城市大学/广东科技学院
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0073 - 07
冯丽霞 广西师范大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0080 - 06
马会娟 北京外国语大学/江西理工大学 | 雷炳浩 北京外国语大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0086 - 07
王治国 天津工业大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0093 - 06
陈婷婷 谭贞容 安徽大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0099 - 08
张威 北京外国语大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0107 - 08
杨仕章 上海外国语大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0115 - 08
谭晓丽 衡阳师范学院 / 武汉工程大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0123 - 10
付强 四川外国语大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0133 - 10
“不可抗力”与force majeure是对等翻译吗
万立 华东政法大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0143 - 07
张保红 广东外语外贸大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0150 - 08
唐革亮 曲英梅 东北师范大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0158 - 08
肖晓燕 罗然薰 厦门大学
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X (2022) 01 - 0166 - 06
Conceptual Transformations for a New Era in China’s Development of Translation Practices and Translation Studies
By FU Yonglin, HU Yun & XU Yiwen (Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu,China) p. 5
Abstract: As China enters a new era ofsocio-cultural development, its practices and studies of translation should also strive simultaneously to be ideologically committed, up-to-date, fluid andpractical. Primary among these targeted features is a commitment to promoting ideational transforms of translation practices and studies at both the strategic and the tactical level. Strategically, translation practices and studies should endeavor to promote the right ideology at home and abroad. At the tactical level, they should heighten their senses of the problems faced, the subject-relevant literature involved, the historical background related, and the basic researches called for. Achieving these aims would be conducive to the development of China’s translation practices and studies in the new era, so that they could better serve the cause to fully modernize the country and the ideal to build up a human community with a shared future.
Keywords: translation practice; translation studies; ideational transform; strategic and tactical transforms
Three Phases in the Development of Linguistic Approaches to Translation Studies
By PAN Hanting (Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, Zhuhai, China) p. 18
Abstracts: This paper revisits the development of linguistic approaches to translation studies since the mid-twentieth century and reexamines in particular the relationship between linguistics and translation. It focuses on three major stages in the evolution of these approaches, namely, the stage of early modern linguistics, of discourse analysis, and of multimodality. Following a review of these stages, the paper offers an extensive discussion on how linguistic theories have been intervening in and impacting on the growth of translation studies, offering some suggestions as to how the relationship might continue to develop in the future.
Keywords: translation studies; linguistics; discourse analysis; multimodality
The Interdisciplinarity of the Sociological Studies of Translation: Subject, Paradigm, and Discourse
By XU Minhui (Universityof Macau, Macau, China) p. 29
Abstract: The sociology of translation, developed at the end of twentieth century, employs a sociological framework in its analysis and explanation of translation as a social practice. This paper argues for the interdisciplinary nature of such an approach in terms of its subject areas, the paradigm it adopts, and the discourse it generates. An analytical description of the subject areas shows that the sociological approach covers the entire domain oftranslation, from the textual, the paratextual to the extratextual, and it also takes into account the interactions among the multiple disciplines involved.The sociological paradigm, moreover, entails an interplay between translation studies and sociology, with the former borrowing analytical tools from thelatter while the latter using for reference the vision and achievements of the former. Together, they probe issues of their shared concerns in relation to culture, history, politics, and society. The sociology of translation thus opens up new spaces for the subject and paradigm of translation studies, pavingthe way for a new academic and social discourse and pointing to a new direction of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary development in/between humanities and social sciences.
Keywords: sociology of translation; interdisciplinarity; subject; paradigm;discourse
Translation and Reception of Contemporary Chinese Novels in Arabic-speaking Countries Since 2000
By GAO Bin (Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang / TongjiUniversity, Shanghai, China) p. 47
Abstract: China and Arab countries have a long history of cultural exchanges, and since the advent of the 21st century, the translation of contemporary Chinese novels in particular has been gaining momentum in Arabic-speaking countries. This paper calls attention to the trend, discussingthe reception of contemporary Chinese novels by the ordinary readers, the governments and the sinologist translators in those countries, and exploring the reasons for which contemporary Chinese novels are comparatively well-received in the arabophone world. Inconclusion, the paper points out that the insights gained from the case discussed can well be applied to promoting the “going out” of Chinese literature to other parts of the world.
Keywords: contemporary Chinese novels; Arabic-speaking countries; translation; reception
Translating Nuosu People’s Creation Epic: A Conferential Co-translation Based on “Five Presences” of Field Survey
By JIAO Pengshuai (Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu,China) p. 56
Abstract: This paper subjects to a close examination The Nuosu Book of Origins: A Creation Epic from Southwest China (2019), co-translated by Mark Bender and Aku Wuwu, by exploring the background of this translation project, its criteria for selecting the source text, the preparations undertaken before translating, the translating process itself, as well as its publication and the translation ethics reflected therein. The study shows that a translation based directly on the original language source text, such as this one, can avoid as much as possible the“formatting” influence from indirect translation. The co-translators’ adoption of the “five-presence” mode of fieldwork in preparation for their act of translating had turned them both into “researchers in close proximity,”enabling them to observe, experience and participate in the tradition, field and reality of Nuosu narrative epics. And the conferential co-translation mode, implemented throughout the translating process, had provided a necessary methodological guarantee for anaccurate understanding of the original Nuosu text. In addition, an inter-university cooperation carried out betweenthe two co-translators’ respective institutional affiliations also went a long way toward enabling the literature and culture of Nuosu, an ethnic minority in China, to go abroad and become a subject of international studies.
Keywords: five-presence; a conferential co-translation; fieldwork; translation ethics
Toward a Task-based Model for Translation Teaching
By GONG Rui (ShanghaiInternational Studies University, Shanghai, China) p. 64
Abstract: Translation competence is mainly a procedural knowledge. To facilitate the acquisition of such a knowledge, a task-based approach to organizing teaching activities is called for. Based on a review of competence-related researches and constructivist learning models, and drawing also on the author’s own teaching experiences, this paper proposes a model of task-based translation teaching and elaborates on its components such as task selection, performance assessment and classroom teaching. Focusing on students’translation process and thinking mode, the model renders it possible for translation teachers to continuously monitor and intervene in their students’undertaking of assigned translation tasks. With the help of the model, the students could quickly come to grips with the way a translation expert constructs and optimizes his/her knowledge base or strategy system, and would thus be in a better position to meet the translation market’s demands once they complete their program of study.
Keywords: translation task; translation process; thinking mechanism; expertise; translation teaching
Choice and Innovation: Alicia RelinqueEleta’s Spanish Translation of Classical Chinese Literature
By CHEN Tingting &TAN Zhenrong (AnhuiUniversity, Hefei, China) p. 99
Abstract: Few translators have left a more visible imprint on Chinese literature’s translation and dissemination in Spanish-speaking countries than Spanish sinologist Alicia Relinque Eleta. This paper offers a systematic review of Eleta’s translation and research of Chinese classics, examining her conception, strategy and method, and analyzing the interrelationship betweenher translation and research as well. As the review shows, it is Eleta’s creative approach to translation that facilitates her works’ understanding and acceptance by Western readers. In her case, we find an illuminating exemplar for other translators who are engaged in efforts to promote overseas dissemination of Chinese literature and culture.
Keywords: classical Chinese literature; Alicia Relinque Eleta; Sinology; Chinese-Spanish translation
The Language of Painting in Literary Translation: With a Special Reference to the Rendition of Color Terms
By ZHANG Baohong (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p. 150
Abstract: Just as language communicates meaning and feeling through words, phrases and sentences, paintings create their artistic effects by way of lines, planes and colors. In works of literature, the use of language is often blended with painting skills and methods for the creation of innovative literary expressive forms that maximize the power of expression and promote the fusion and development of literature and arts. Little research has been done, however, on how translation deals with this kind of hybrid forms. With a reference to color-generated features and aesthetic values in the art of painting, this paper looks into the cognitive process whereby literary translators employ terms of colors to represent distance, feeling and scene for the production of various artistic effects. Its findings open up a fresh way of thinking for the translators, introduce a new approach to literary translation, and broaden the horizon of literary translation studies in general.
Keywords: literary translation; language of painting; color
Translation-related Shift of Nominalizationsin C-E Translation of Official Documents
By TANG Geliang & QU Yingmei (Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China) p. 158
Abstract: Nominalizations have been abundantly used in Chinese political documents and their English translations. As an important source of grammatical metaphor, nominalizations can lead to a re-construal of experience, and their altering, adding or omitting in translation can result in a semiotic reconstruction of the source text. Within the framework of the grammatical metaphor theory in the Systemic Functional Linguistics, this paper proposes a basic model for effecting the translation-related shift of nominalizations and discusses how the strategy proposed could be applied in the translation of Chinese political documents. What this project reveals bears implications for translation teaching and practice, and it also sheds some useful light on research about internationally-oriented political communications.
Keywords: Chinese political discourse; nominalizations; grammatical metaphor; translation shift